
Ali Tunçgenç

machine psychologist


Greetings! Welcome to my blog and personal website.

About the Author

My name is Ali Tunçgenç. I'm an alien of extraordinary ability interested in computer science, artificial intelligence and psychology. I have a double major in business administration and psychology from Özyeğin University. I have a masters in psychodynamic and person-centered therapy/counselling from The University of Edinburgh. I currently work at the AI Factory at İş Bank, I scout startups and research artificial intelligence.

During my masters at the University of Edinburgh, I have conducted a A Qualitative Study on Grief in Parasocial Relationships: Voices Behind the Screen: Twitch Streamer Byron Daniel Bernstein's (Reckful) Community Left Behind with Grief.

About the Blog

This blog is a collection of my thoughts, ideas, and reflections on computer science, artificial intelligence, psychology, and the intersection of technology and human behavior.